Cadernos de Tradução (Scientific Journal)
About the Journal
Cadernos de Tradução was created in 1996 by Federal University of Santa Catarina professors. It is a four-month period publication Graduate Program in Translation Studies and publishes articles, interviews, and reviews related to translation (analysis, theory, history). Currently, Cadernos de Tradução represents a recognized national and international forum for the discussion of research in Translation Studies, being indexed in several national and foreign databases and, once more, assessed with the maximum grade, A1, at Qualis CAPES.
The journal’s main objective is to publish research results in the field of Translation Studies in Brazil and abroad and to follow the debate in the area whose interdisciplinary is inherent to it. It regularly publishes high-quality articles with an effective scientific-academic contribution to the area. In addition, the criteria adopted for the selection of works are unpublished, research, originality, clarity, and relevant research.
Since 2015, Cadernos de Tradução has been part of the SciELO Brazil Collection, and since 2019 it has been indexed in the Web of Science and Scopus.
Cadernos de Tradução receives works for its regular editions published every four months (January, May, and September).
In 2022, the journal has begun to publish in a continuous flow, following the practices of Open Science.
The journal Cadernos de Tradução is exclusively online and works in open access, charging no fees for publishing articles.
To access the journal, click here.
Translated by: Morgana Ap. de Matos