Raízes Feministas em Tradução: Italiano

07/06/2022 10:48

The edition is organized by professors Ana Maria Chiarini (UFMG), Andreia Guerini (UFSC) and Karine Simoni (UFSC).

The bilingual edition of Raízes Feministas em Tradução: Italiano is the first of a collection produced by Edições Câmara, which aims to bring period texts written by women to the public’s attention. The documents in this volume date from the 13th to 19th centuries, a period in which women found themselves out of the world of arts and writing. They were tied to household chores or were confined, and many of them did not even have access to literacy, which was reserved for only high-class men. In this context, the organizers prepared a meticulous selection of authors who can be considered proto-feminists, as they already exposed, in their writings, their nonconformity with the patriarchal system of the time. We are facing an intense and meticulous work in the choice of texts, which demand a more active role of women in society and deal with cases that already involve gender equality and women’s emancipation.
The online version of the book can be found at: https://bd.camara.leg.br/bd/handle/bdcamara/40812